
  • El Modelo De Juego Del Fc Barcelona Pdf Software
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    ModeloEl Modelo De Juego Del Fc Barcelona Pdf  Software

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    Objective: This systematic mixed study review, focuses on the use of observation methodology in elite men's football matches, which constitutes an innovative approach, that opens up a new panorama of useful and productive research.Method: The methods used in this study follow the recommendations for systematic reviews and meta-analysis guidelines (PRISMA). The search was carried out in five databases.

    Ninety-four articles out of 3,195 were selected and analyzed. In order to achieve a quality assessment, the guide was used to inform evaluations based on observation methodology (GREOM) (Portell et al., ), recognized by the EQUATOR network.Results: From the methodological review analysis, information obtained indicates that 97% of the researches used direct observation and 3% indirect observation. On the other hand, 56.5% of the articles explain the instrument used and 77% justify the applied observational design. A quantitative comparison of the proportions was made in several methodological aspects, which resulted in only 15.21% reviewing the quality of the data, and that 67.3% of the articles contributed to the mixed methods approach. The methodological review allowed us to establish procedural profiles. The results indicate that 67% of the articles have been published in English, and of these, 77% were published in journals that have an impact factor.

    The majority of the researchers, 53.26%, belong to Spanish entities. The most studied substantive aspects were goal (34%), possession of the ball (28%), and corner (27%). The most observed events were Leagues, World Cups, individual players and other events.Conclusions: The results obtained refer to both substantive and methodological aspects and allow us to configure a systematic review of mixed studies, in which we emphasize the aspects of a “systematic review” and a “mixed study,” within an integrated perspective.

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    Record ParametersThere are many types of records, from descriptive or non-systematized to those that are fully systematized, and that is what is required. In these, as proposed by Bakeman , it is fundamental to differentiate between the primary record parameters, which are the three progressive levels of frequency, order and duration (Anguera et al., ). Depending on the decision of each case, which is highly relevant, and congruent with the proposed observational design, the lines to follow with regards to data quality control and data analysis are set. CountryFrequency% ( n = 94)Spain3234.04Brazil1111.70UK77.45Spain and Portugal77.45Brasil and Portugal33.19Poland33.19Germany22.13Spain and Austria and Italy22.13Spain and France and Tunisia22.13Spain and Italy and Iceland22.13Greece22.13Norway22.13Portugal22.13Australia11.06UK and Denmark11.06Slovakia11.06Spain and Austria and UK11.06Spain and Iceland11.06Spain and Italy11.06Spain and Macedonia and Portugal11.06Spain and UK11.06Spain and USA11.06France11.06France and Italy11.06Italy11.06Italy and Sidney and Zurich and Rome11.06Japan11.06Romania11.06UK and Canada11.06USA11.06. The specific issues most studied were those related to the goal 32% (31), ball possession with 27% (26), corner with 27% (25), winning, drawing, losing with 23% (21), passes with 21% (20), Home and away and distance with 16% (15), each one; 1 × 1 duels with 14% (13), fouls and/or Red and/or yellow cards with 10% (9), penalty with 9% (8), attackers and free throws with 7% respectively (6), defenders 5% (5), Classification and tactics with 4% respectively, transition and formation with 3%, respectively. It is necessary to indicate that in almost all the primary documents, several questions are studied. The total articles in this paragraph thus exceeds 100%.

    Item Observed eventsWe have considered it important to review it, although being very aware that the quantity of these do not imply a greater quality or depth of the analysis of the investigation.In terms of the number of games studied, 24 analyzed between 1 and 20 games, 23 articles analyzed between 21 and 50 games, 21 articles analyzed between 101 and 500 games, 10 articles analyzed between 51 and 100 games and 7 articles analyzed more than 500 games. The rest of the articles analyzed isolated games or events that were not considered when selecting the number of events (hence the sum of these articles does not represent the total of the primary documents).Four criteria can be distinguished, descending in number of articles: 1.

    El Modelo De Juego Del Fc Barcelona Pdf Software Free

    Other studies, and 4. Individual player analysis.Leagues are competitions that generate the most interest in football reviewed works, with a total of 47 (50%) articles.

    The Champions League (15) is the most studied; followed by the Spanish League (14), the Premier League (6), La Liga Italiana (4); The French and the Bundesliga, with 3 investigations respectively; and finally an article from each of the following leagues: Brazilian, Norwegian League, Greek Super League and the League of Romania. It is necessary to clarify that more than one event could be studied in the same article, although in this study we tried to discriminate between them or explain each one separately, and therefore the sum of frequencies is not the total of the primary documents used.World Cups occupy the second place as a study event, with a total of 30 (29%) investigations. The most studied world cup is South Africa 2010, which presents 11 articles; followed by Germany 2006 (6); France 1998 (5); continues Japan 2002 (3), and sharing last place; 1994, 2004, 1990, Italy 1990 and Brazil 2014 all with one investigation.The third place of research interest is occupied by various sporting events, with 18 (19%) articles on the UEFA European Championships in different periods. There are also other articles that focus on games played in several world cups, seasons or championships which were followed for several years. Finally, teams from Brazil, Slovakia, Spain, and England were studied in their own nation's championships and/or in several seasons.In fourth place there are single case studies focused on the in-depth study of an athlete, and that correspond to Messi and Laudrup, individually for each, in one case, and to Messi and Ronaldo, comparatively, in another.

    Methodological Review of the Selected ArticlesAccording to Gough et al. and Gough , we can prioritize particular characteristics. In this sense, to carry out an adequate screening we have chosen to identify the basic methodological characteristics of the published work, with acute awareness that the option for each one indicates a certain procedural positioning.The methodological review of the primary documents has been carried out according to the aspects outlined in section Issues for methodological review.shows the 94 primary works related to the analytical review carried out. We try to show the existing procedural differences between primary documents that are manifested from the GREOM application. This allowed us to detect that statistically significant differences exist in the comparison of the following procedural aspects.

    (a) Directobservation vs.indirect observation,(b) observational design(IPU: Idiographic/Point/Unidimensional, NPU: Nomothetic/Point/Unidimensional, IFU: Idiographic/Follow-up/Unidimensional,NFU: Nomothetic/Follow-up/Unidimensional,IPM: Idiographic/Point/Multidimensional,NPM: Nomothetic/Point/Multidimensional,IFM: Idiographic/Follow-up/Multidimensional,NFM: Nomothetic/Follow-up/Multidimensional)vs. No observational design, (c) frequency vs. Order parameter, (d) data quality control vs. No data quality control, (e) only descriptive analysis vs. Non-descriptive data analysis, and (f) only descriptive analysis vs. Detection of regularities (although this one with less statistical significance).Additionally, comments are included regarding relevant information not included in the previous methodological structure, constructed according to the selected minimums of GREOM.Using the 94 primary documents, a detailed comparison analysis of proportions has been made in order to know if there is a statistically significant difference between the indicators of the methodological procedure specified in GREOM, considered in (see ). Among the results obtained, the highly significant difference, compared to the initial approach of the study, between the use of direct observation vs.

    Indirect observation stands out, as well as that of an observational design proposal compared to those who did not propose it. Similarly, among the primary works studied, there is also statistically significant differences between studies in which only the frequency parameter was used in comparison to those based on order and duration parameters. A significant difference was also found between the authors who carried quality controlled the data and those who did not. Finally, there was also a significant difference between authors who only used descriptive statistics compared to those who used other analysis techniques (although some of them also made a descriptive analysis).

    Ratios to comparep-valueDirect observation72/94 = 0.76Indirect observation22/94 = 0.23. From the results obtained, we can suggest some methodological profiles that emerge from the primary documents analyzed, which are presented in. This proposal of methodological profiles for primary articles is based on the detailed methodological revision and provides five possibilities that offer a gradation of methodological consistency in descending order. Except for the E (Miscellaneous) profile, they constitute procedural schemes that are of interest and can be considered as reference guides for new works in this area. Domain ADomain B: methodDomain C: resultsProfilesFrequency of profilesKind of observationObser. ParameterQuality of dataData analysis and resultsObservationRecordingDirectYesFC/SCSome softwareFrequencyKappaSome not descriptive analysisA12DirectNotFC/SCSome softwareFrequencyKappaSome not descriptive analysisB26IndirectNotNotFrequencyKappaSome not descriptive analysisC14DirectYesFC/SCOrderKappaDetection of regularitiesD13MiscellaneousE29.

    LimitationsAs in all research work, different limitations should be noted:.Traditionally, few mixed methods studies have been published in the field of Sports Science, as evidenced in of Anguera et al. ConclusionsBased on a careful selection of 94 primary documents, a systematic mixed study review of observational studies in elite male football has been carried out. A comprehensive synthesis of evidence the aim of this study, which was reached after conducting a rigorous review of primary documents from different points of view.A rare feature, but on which authors have placed special emphasis, is to consider this review both from the methodological approach and substantive approach.For the systematic review carried out, the mixed methods perspective was adopted because it is one of the most relevant approaches on the field. This method is extremely powerful and is considered the best analysis approach for scientific studies on football.

    Within this approach, observational methodology is the leitmotiv that structures all elite male football studies, and GREOM is used as the guiding thread. Consistent with this approach, each of the different essential aspects were considered in the revision of the primary documents, and the differences between them have been assessed. Likewise, some profiles have been developed that allow methodological characterization of each of the primary documents.Finally, we position ourselves in the mixed methods perspective, with the desire to integrate qualitative and quantitative elements in conventional systematic reviews, and have thus added the preparation of some methodological profiles which open new perspectives.

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